Mobile devices are in the same boat as the Internet: they’ve only been around for a few decades, but demand for both is inexorable and continues to redefine the way people compute. Listed below is a brief history of the mobile device and how we’ve got to the point where society couldn’t function without them.
Macro Systems Blog
There are a lot of organizations that rely on their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) platform. It’s not just utilized to manage their customer relationship; it helps with production, invoicing, operations, human resources, and more. Below is a look at the CRM and how strategic use of this platform can help build your business.
New technology can be exhilarating, but for any business, it can also be scary. Implementing technology that isn’t completely established is a serious gamble that could have a negative impact. However, sometimes early adoption of emerging technology will give a business just the boost it needs to blow past projections. Below is a look at three emerging technologies that the small to medium-sized business will have to consider in the near future.
Davis was looking at a business card while sitting at his desk. He watched the snow fall outside his window. He was the last person left in the office, as he usually was this time of year. He put down the business card, got up and walked over to the large pane of glass that was the only insulation from the harsh, cold wintery night. He placed his hand on the window and felt the bitter cold meet the palm of his hand. He stood there for a minute; maybe more than a minute. He began to cry. He was so angry at how things were going.
One of the most irritating modern things to deal with is a slow computer. There are a lot of factors that can slow a computer down: viruses and malware, too many applications running in the background, even time can seem to turn a relatively fast computer into a slow-as-molasses impediment to productivity.
If your computer is overall healthy but beginning to slow down, there is one simple upgrade that can help tremendously.
Data has become a critical factor in what most businesses do every day. Even smaller businesses have begun to utilize their data for strategic purposes, and in doing so have begun a trend that has taken the world by storm. Let’s take a look at the data services that are designed to inform business owners and decision makers on how their business is actually working and how to enhance operational effectiveness.
Modern businesses depend on software to help them fill in the gaps. For certain businesses, though, not just any piece of software will do. If your business is dependent on specific software to properly run your business, or if your business functions in an industry rife with regulations, you might be looking for a line of business software.
Storage space is the focus of the third part of our computer purchasing guide. As a general rule, modern gadgets have a few available options in terms of storage but the brand and version of the device can have an impact on the amount of space available. As you choose your desktop or laptop to buy, its storage capacity is absolutely imperative.
When you looking to purchase some new computers for your business, making sure that you are targeting the right hardware is critical. To educate people on what they should be looking for in a new computer, we have created a multi-part series detailing the different parts of a computer. In part one, we will take a look at the CPU.
Whether we like it or not, technology changes quickly. That change is usually beneficial; you can accomplish more, gain more visibility, stretch your resources further, and do things you wouldn’t have thought possible or affordable a few years ago. On the other hand, sometimes technology changes arrive with the frustration of having to learn something new, develop new processes, and deal with a mountain of other annoyances. Listed below are some tips on how to prepare you and your business for the inevitable changes that your IT will be facing over the next few years.
Businesses require hardware and software to keep an infrastructure running, but not all businesses specialize in the management and acquisition of these systems. Moreover, some organizations don’t even know what their specific needs are, which is shocking to think about. Macro Systems is here to help you make the best decisions possible with your hardware and software acquisitions.
There is one constant in the modern business environment: your business will be in a consistent state of being at risk the second you start to make a name for yourself. What a lot of businesses don’t comprehend is that it doesn’t matter how high or low-profile an organization is, there will always be data on a network infrastructure that is valuable to hackers and is targeted by threats.
Artificial Intelligence is one technology that results in both excitement and fear. People’s imaginations tend to run away with them when they have conversations about AI. Organizations of all kinds are beginning to figure how they can utilize advanced AI platforms and machine learning to facilitate better business, but is it working? Below we'll take a look at how AI innovation is changing business and see how ready AI is for primetime.
If there's anything you must know about business computing, it's that server maintenance is absolutely critical. This isn’t exactly a shocking realization, and if it is, you need to call 703-359-9211 as soon as possible. You have to know that you are not alone; you'd be surprised how many business owners don’t actively have a business server maintenance plan.
Sometimes a company focuses too much on what they think they need without asking for the opinions of the ones actually responsible for utilizing it: the end user. Implementing a new technology solution in this way is like asking a client what their favorite ice cream flavor is, then giving them the ice cream flavor you think it should be. In terms of your organization's IT, productivity can go a long way if you just take a moment to listen to your employees.
Technology is taking on a new responsibility for today's business. With more value placed on data, and contemporary innovations offering viable options for business use, technology is now front and center for many companies. Below let's review four of the most emerging technologies and how organizations are beginning to utilize them.
Your organization's technology solutions may be a major point of contention for your bottom line, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create value with it. One of the best ways you can create value for your companies' IT is by implementing a better way of managing it. Macro Systems will walk you through what it means to shift from break-fix IT to managed IT services, as well as what questions you should ask to expedite the process.
Automation does nothing but help businesses, but can the same be said for the employees that work at these businesses? With more systems depending on some type of artificial intelligence, smart automation could replace up to 25% of the current workforce over the next decade. Let's take a look at the importance of profitability and how AI is likely going to lead in a new era of human existence.
An unfortunate but true fact: no technology you implement will last until the day you close up shop for business. To reduce the costs of your technology failing, you need to take measures now, including proactive monitoring for the various signs of failure. Be on the lookout for the following symptoms, listed below.