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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Tips on Identifying Phishing Scams

Tips on Identifying Phishing Scams

You open your email and you have a message claiming your bank account has been hacked. You click the link, log in, and, whoops, you just handed your credentials to a cybercriminal. You’ve been a victim of phishing, where scammers bait you with fake messages and reel you in like an unsuspecting fish. You don’t have to be their next catch. Listed below: how to recognize and fight back against phishing attempts.

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Google’s Android Update Reminds Us How Important Maintenance Is

Google’s Android Update Reminds Us How Important Maintenance Is

The Android operating system periodically receives updates and patches detailed in online publications called Android Security Bulletins. In the March 2025 edition, Google announced that 43 malicious bugs had been resolved, two of which were zero-day vulnerabilities.

Listed below: how to implement these fixes and why this is a practice that should reach every aspect of your organization's IT.

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Tips to Avoid Threat Fatigue

Tips to Avoid Threat Fatigue

Does it feel like scammers are everywhere? That's because they are. Every day they’re scheming up new ways to trick people into giving up money, data, or access to their accounts. One of the biggest problems we run into is that we’re bombarded with so many scam warnings that we start tuning them out. That’s called threat fatigue, the phenomenon when you get so tired of hearing about security risks that you stop paying attention, which is exactly scammers want.

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What To Do instead of Apologize for a Data Breach

What To Do instead of Apologize for a Data Breach

It's no surprise that cybersecurity is a big challenge for businesses and individuals alike. The problem: life pretty much revolves around being online these days, so there’s no avoiding it. Thus, it’s your responsibility to ensure that any data you collect from your customers, employees, and other key stakeholders in your business is well-protected, otherwise you will face severe consequences.

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Tax Season = An Increase in Scammers

Tax Season = An Increase in Scammers

In the United States, tax season is prime time for hackers to take advantage of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. They do this via all types of nefarious activities, such as phishing attacks conducted through text messages and emails claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service. If you want to avoid getting scammed this tax season, be sure to keep the following tips in mind to stay safe while you conduct your typical tax routines.

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Hardware Acquisition Help for your Business

Hardware Acquisition Help for your Business

Hardware is far from the most fun topic for a business owner to learn more about, but that doesn’t reduce its importance. If you want to ensure your business stays ahead of the game, then you need to be strategic about your hardware implementation. If not, you risk falling behind, put your business in danger, and—even worse—imperil your budget. 

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Understanding Employee Burnout

Understanding Employee Burnout

If you want your business to succeed, you need to take care of your employees, but businesses sometimes let this imperative task slip in the throes of the day-to-day. Deloitte estimates that around 8 out of every 10 wage workers show signs of burnout. So the question then becomes: What are you doing about it?

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Secure Password Tips

Secure Password Tips

Passwords protect nearly all of your accounts... or at least you hope that they do. Alas, making a super-secure password that’s easy to remember can be harder than people expect. Oftentimes, it feels like you are constantly solving a puzzle. So then, how do you create passwords that keep hackers out without driving yourself insane? In this month’s newsletter, we discuss this very problem.

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Consulting a Security Professional is the Right Call for Your Organization

Consulting a Security Professional is the Right Call for Your Organization

If you or your organization are concerned about cybersecurity, we’d like to say, “Congratulations, you get it!” Too many people fail to take cybersecurity seriously, and with hackers and data breaches making headlines worldwide, you cannot underestimate them. Listed below is how a cybersecurity consultant can save you time, money, and stress over your security systems.

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The Art of Strategic Pausing

The Art of Strategic Pausing

Sometimes problem solving requires you to step away and think about the problem at hand. Consider any great strategist out there and you’ll understand that it takes time and calculation to make moves that will benefit you now as well as in the future. Listed below: how you can be more productive via strategic pausing.

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How to Make Individual Data Privacy a Priority

How to Make Individual Data Privacy a Priority

How seriously does your company take data privacy? Can you back up your answer with concrete examples of what you do to prioritize that notion? These days we face a serious threat to both individual and consumer data privacy; how you can make data privacy a priority in your own life is listed below.

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How to Utilize Patience for Productivity

How to Utilize Patience for Productivity

Spoiler alert: a business that lacks productivity is unlikely to see any amount of success. One of the best ways to ensure your productivity is to practice patience. How can patience enhance your productivity?

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Common Printer Issues

Common Printer Issues

Printers… they’re the tech we love to hate, especially when they just don’t work right. You’d think a device with one main job could handle it! So, why do printers mess up so often? Listed below is a look at the main reasons why printers fail. It’s usually because of one of three things: software issues, problems with the paper and ink, or connection issues.

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Three Safety Tips to Help Keep Your Email Secure

Three Safety Tips to Help Keep Your Email Secure

You probably use your email every day without even thinking about it. Email is, however, one of the main places hackers go when they want to steal personal information. Listed below are three easy steps you can take to keep your email secure.

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Five Functions of NIST-Supported Cybersecurity Framework

Five Functions of NIST-Supported Cybersecurity Framework

A well-structured framework is essential for establishing effective, consistent policies and strategies. This applies to many areas, including network security. Listed below is a look into the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework, which outlines steps to help safeguard your business.

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Signs You're Experiencing a Phishing Attack

Signs You're Experiencing a Phishing Attack

With digital technology taking on a greater importance for businesses than ever before, companies have to contend with a variety of threats, including increasingly popular phishing scams, regardless of their geographical location.

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The FTC are Trying to Make Subscriptions Easy to Cancel

The FTC are Trying to Make Subscriptions Easy to Cancel

It isn’t rare for people to subscribe to things and only stay subscribed because the cancellation process is challenging and inconvenient. Nonetheless, the Federal Trade Commission is looking to stop this, adopting a rule that eliminates the capability for businesses to put hurdles in front of cancellation processes.

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What Your Business Needs to Know about Zero-Trust

What Your Business Needs to Know about Zero-Trust

Would you trust a bank that locked its doors for the night but left all its cash in a big pile in the middle of the floor? Probably not— if someone managed to get through the doors, nothing would stop them from helping themselves to the money inside.

This is effectively how cybersecurity once worked, with the presumption that if someone had access to a network, they had permission to access any data on it. Luckily, many businesses have made the switch to a better approach, known as zero-trust security.

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How to Fight Back Against Downtime

How to Fight Back Against Downtime

It’s natural for businesses to depend on their tools, like IT, to achieve success, but if you don’t take care of your systems, it could lead to downtime. You can bypass many of these challenges with the right approach to technology maintenance. Listed below are some of the proactive methods you can use to keep downtime to a minimum.

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How to Prepare Your IT for an Office Move

How to Prepare Your IT for an Office Move

Moving is difficult, but when you factor in your business’ IT, it becomes twice as irritating and time-consuming. You can make it easier by preparing for the job ahead of time. Listed below is what you can do to prepare for a business IT move well ahead of the scheduled date.

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