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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Can Your Business Benefit from Digital Document Management?

Can Your Business Benefit from Digital Document Management?

In business, paper tends to pile up, gets lost, and sometimes mysteriously multiplies overnight like gremlins exposed to water. If your business is drowning in paper or struggling to find critical files, it might be time to consider digital document management. But when exactly does it make sense to invest in this technology? 

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Tips on Identifying Phishing Scams

Tips on Identifying Phishing Scams

You open your email and you have a message claiming your bank account has been hacked. You click the link, log in, and, whoops, you just handed your credentials to a cybercriminal. You’ve been a victim of phishing, where scammers bait you with fake messages and reel you in like an unsuspecting fish. You don’t have to be their next catch. Listed below: how to recognize and fight back against phishing attempts.

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Tips to Avoid Threat Fatigue

Tips to Avoid Threat Fatigue

Does it feel like scammers are everywhere? That's because they are. Every day they’re scheming up new ways to trick people into giving up money, data, or access to their accounts. One of the biggest problems we run into is that we’re bombarded with so many scam warnings that we start tuning them out. That’s called threat fatigue, the phenomenon when you get so tired of hearing about security risks that you stop paying attention, which is exactly scammers want.

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What To Do instead of Apologize for a Data Breach

What To Do instead of Apologize for a Data Breach

It's no surprise that cybersecurity is a big challenge for businesses and individuals alike. The problem: life pretty much revolves around being online these days, so there’s no avoiding it. Thus, it’s your responsibility to ensure that any data you collect from your customers, employees, and other key stakeholders in your business is well-protected, otherwise you will face severe consequences.

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Explaining the 'Are You a Human?' Prompts

Explaining the 'Are You a Human?' Prompts

We’ve all had to confirm we’re human when attempting to log into an account. This is the core purpose of what once was called CAPTCHA… the Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart. That being said, it seems surprising that computers don’t easily overcome these simple-seeming tests.

Listed below is why these simple tests actually are effective at differentiating between human users and automated bots.

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Tax Season = An Increase in Scammers

Tax Season = An Increase in Scammers

In the United States, tax season is prime time for hackers to take advantage of law-abiding, tax-paying citizens. They do this via all types of nefarious activities, such as phishing attacks conducted through text messages and emails claiming to be from the Internal Revenue Service. If you want to avoid getting scammed this tax season, be sure to keep the following tips in mind to stay safe while you conduct your typical tax routines.

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Ransomware Payments are Down, But It Isn’t All Good News

Ransomware Payments are Down, But It Isn’t All Good News

Despite some of the headlines that we saw last year, it wasn’t all bad news regarding ransomware. Crucially, 2024 saw ransomware payments plummet by hundreds of millions of dollars… despite many large-scale attacks and one record-breaking whaling payment of $75 million by one victim.

This is undeniably great to hear… but with that in mind, you cannot let yourselves slip into complacency.

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Common-Sense Security Measures You Should Implement Today

Common-Sense Security Measures You Should Implement Today

Running a business is already confusing enough without worrying about security at all times. Whether you own a small business or a multi-level enterprise, security is just as imperative for all the same reasons. Listed below are a couple of security strategies you can implement today to feel better about the current state of your infrastructure moving forward.

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How to Build a Good DR Strategy

How to Build a Good DR Strategy

Picture waking up one day to find your phone wiped clean with no contacts, no photos, and no messages. Now, imagine this happening to an entire business, where all their files, data, and systems are gone. Terrifying, right? That’s why businesses need a Disaster Recovery (DR) system. It helps them bounce back when things go wrong. Listed below is how to build one.

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Security Training is Increasingly Imperative

Security Training is Increasingly Imperative

Your organization’s ability to keep its digital information safe depends largely on how well its technology performs. This is why it’s important to teach your employees how to protect your company’s data. To start, it’s imperative to understand your company’s security posture. This refers to how actively you or your team work to protect your online presence. With the increasing use of cloud applications and remote work becoming more common, every employee plays a role in keeping the organization secure. Listed below: how your business can create a security culture designed to keep your data and information systems secure. 

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Why People Fall for the Phishing Schemes

Why People Fall for the Phishing Schemes

Phishing is the most common way hackers trick you, so to speak, but have you ever wondered why it’s so effective? Listed below is a list of the reasons why phishing schemes are so enticing to even the most security-conscious individuals out there. You might be surprised to know that even security professionals can fall prey to these types of attacks, and for very good reasons.

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How to Stop Location Data Collection on Your Mobile Device

How to Stop Location Data Collection on Your Mobile Device

At the beginning of this year, a massive data breach hit a location data broker called Gravy Analytics and took possession of a dataset with 30 million points from devices worldwide. This data could potentially be utilized to track individuals and their movements, tellingly, via healthcare, government, and military facilities. 

Alas, nothing can be done about data that has already been breached, but preventative steps can and should be taken to protect your business. Listed below: how to prevent your apps from tracking your movements.

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A Refresher on Signs of a Phishing Attack

A Refresher on Signs of a Phishing Attack

Did you know that phishing is the most common security risk to your business? Any of your employees could become the target of a phishing attack, and all it would take is downloading the wrong file or clicking on the wrong link to expose your organization to security threats. Listed below is a refresher on the throwaway signs of a phishing attack and how to protect yourself and your team from harm.

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Four Password Best Practices

Four Password Best Practices

Passwords are the most critical security tool used to secure digital assets. They are imperative for small businesses, as weak or mishandled credentials can lead to serious security issues. Everyone must comprehend and follow the best practices for creating and managing passwords. 

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Data Privacy is Critical and Needs to be a Priority

Data Privacy is Critical and Needs to be a Priority

Since so much of the world is now online, businesses and organizations interact with people online now more than ever. This means they also collect people’s information, for various reasons. Individuals need to consider their own data privacy and how it might be affected by business practices.

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A look the State of Cybersecurity for 2025

A look the State of Cybersecurity for 2025

Businesses have seen an increase in cyberattacks, a trend that is not slowing down in 2025. Listed below is a look at what the future could hold so you can take these insights and apply them to your cybersecurity initiatives in the coming year.

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Secure Password Tips

Secure Password Tips

Passwords protect nearly all of your accounts... or at least you hope that they do. Alas, making a super-secure password that’s easy to remember can be harder than people expect. Oftentimes, it feels like you are constantly solving a puzzle. So then, how do you create passwords that keep hackers out without driving yourself insane? In this month’s newsletter, we discuss this very problem.

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5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes for Businesses

5 Common Cybersecurity Mistakes for Businesses

Technology is a large part of how businesses run today, but that also makes them prime targets for cyberattacks. These attacks can shut down operations and steal sensitive data. Listed below are five common cybersecurity issues businesses deal with:

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How to Make Individual Data Privacy a Priority

How to Make Individual Data Privacy a Priority

How seriously does your company take data privacy? Can you back up your answer with concrete examples of what you do to prioritize that notion? These days we face a serious threat to both individual and consumer data privacy; how you can make data privacy a priority in your own life is listed below.

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Why Do Modern Businesses Have Such Difficulty Spotting Cyber Threats?

Why Do Modern Businesses Have Such Difficulty Spotting Cyber Threats?

Cybersecurity is intensely critical, so a business owner would think implementing every security feature and defense would be a good idea. As research has shown, this can be counterproductive, as only 67% of surveyed security leaders know what led to cybersecurity incidents in their businesses over the past year. 

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