Macro Systems Blog
In business, paper tends to pile up, gets lost, and sometimes mysteriously multiplies overnight like gremlins exposed to water. If your business is drowning in paper or struggling to find critical files, it might be time to consider digital document management. But when exactly does it make sense to invest in this technology?
You open your email and you have a message claiming your bank account has been hacked. You click the link, log in, and, whoops, you just handed your credentials to a cybercriminal. You’ve been a victim of phishing, where scammers bait you with fake messages and reel you in like an unsuspecting fish. You don’t have to be their next catch. Listed below: how to recognize and fight back against phishing attempts.
Does it feel like scammers are everywhere? That's because they are. Every day they’re scheming up new ways to trick people into giving up money, data, or access to their accounts. One of the biggest problems we run into is that we’re bombarded with so many scam warnings that we start tuning them out. That’s called threat fatigue, the phenomenon when you get so tired of hearing about security risks that you stop paying attention, which is exactly scammers want.
Managing all the gadgets in an office these days isn’t a walk in the park. The tricky part is keeping tabs on every device, figuring out who’s using what, and noticing any trends. If you’re not already tracking your technology, now’s the time to set up a system that does just that. Using an inventory management system can make this whole process a lot smoother.
Picture waking up one day to find your phone wiped clean with no contacts, no photos, and no messages. Now, imagine this happening to an entire business, where all their files, data, and systems are gone. Terrifying, right? That’s why businesses need a Disaster Recovery (DR) system. It helps them bounce back when things go wrong. Listed below is how to build one.
Your organization’s ability to keep its digital information safe depends largely on how well its technology performs. This is why it’s important to teach your employees how to protect your company’s data. To start, it’s imperative to understand your company’s security posture. This refers to how actively you or your team work to protect your online presence. With the increasing use of cloud applications and remote work becoming more common, every employee plays a role in keeping the organization secure. Listed below: how your business can create a security culture designed to keep your data and information systems secure.
Your smartphone is probably one of the most critical tools in your daily life; it helps you stay connected, entertained, and organized. But smartphones aren’t cheap, and replacing one every couple of years can hurt your wallet. The good news? With a little care, you can make your phone last longer. Listed below are five easy tips to keep your smartphone running like new.