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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

A Current Look at Smart Speakers

A Current Look at Smart Speakers

Smart speakers have been around for a while, but they haven’t exactly changed the world. To be fair, they are good for playing music, setting timers, and answering random trivia questions, but beyond that? Not much has evolved. So, how did we get here, and what’s next? More importantly, can they actually be useful for businesses, or are they just another gadget collecting dust?

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Automation Can't Replace Humans in Some Situations

Automation Can't Replace Humans in Some Situations

Besides all of those people who are advocating for the scaling back or non-implementation of tools to save jobs, most people understand the benefit of automation when it makes sense. Not only do machines tend to do certain tasks more effectively, they never willingly take a day off. Alas, for every task that needs to be completed less than half can be automated, and that number drops even further when you take into account everything a human does at their job. These days there are very few jobs that can be fully automated, even as AI has begun to be utilized more for business. Listed below: why automation may not be the answer you are looking for and why training humans holds a lot of value.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of AI-powered IT Support

Advantages and Disadvantages of AI-powered IT Support

The big thing in business computing is AI, or artificial intelligence, and businesses are implementing it to solve a lot of repetitive issues that free up their employees to serve other roles. One such area is for IT support. But is it worth it to chat with a robot when something as imperative as IT is on the line?

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How to Stop LinkedIn from Using Your Data to Train AI

How to Stop LinkedIn from Using Your Data to Train AI

Artificial intelligence is everywhere, and it is making data more valuable than ever. This is because AI platforms rely heavily on data to function effectively. Many platforms and services gather data from their users to fuel these algorithms. LinkedIn has recently been found to do this—by default—without properly informing its users or updating its terms of service.

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The United Nations is Paying Close Attention to Artificial Intelligence

The United Nations is Paying Close Attention to Artificial Intelligence

One of the many tasks undertaken by the United Nations is to protect human rights around the globe while also working to develop more sustainable and climate-friendly development. As such, the UN has recently taken an interest in the development of artificial intelligence, hoping to create guidelines that allow us to get the most value out of AI without creating more significant problems.

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Advantages AI Offers to the Small Business

Advantages AI Offers to the Small Business

AI has become a significant tool all throughout our modern economy. Businesses are utilizing technology with built-in AI because it enhances operational efficiency. Listed below are some of the benefits small businesses can take advantage of with AI.

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Clean Data Is Critical for Backend Processes

Clean Data Is Critical for Backend Processes

Businesses are constantly trying to find a way to best utilize their data. Whether it is creating a business intelligence strategy, integrating artificial intelligence, or for simple analytics, without having accurate, reliable data, the insights you derive can be misleading and end up costing you. That’s why it is critical to know how to scrub or clean your data. Having access to clean data is essential for anyone involved in business intelligence or AI. Listed below is a simple guide to help you get started.

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How to Utilize Adobe Generative AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

How to Utilize Adobe Generative AI to Dress Yourself Up for a Professional Selfie

While AI is far from perfect, there are ways that it can help do something mundane or speed up a workflow here or there. I’m no expert in Photoshop either, so if I need to edit something, I usually depend on someone with a little more experience, but this was a really neat trick I was able to do in just a few minutes!

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A Retrospective Look at AI and Work in 2023

A Retrospective Look at AI and Work in 2023

2023 was a banner year for artificial intelligence, with the technology exploding into the mainstream and becoming more accessible by the public than ever before. Listed below is what we’ve seen in the past year in terms of AI changed things for workers and workplaces everywhere.

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A Look at Artificial Intelligence Bias

A Look at Artificial Intelligence Bias

Over the past few years, artificial intelligence has become a bona fide buzzword amongst businesses of all sizes, with 97% of respondents to a Forbes survey seeing a potential benefit in some way, shape, or form. That being said, with it being integrated everywhere in our modern lives, it is critical that we remember that AI is still a human invention, and as such, it is vulnerable to our own implicit biases.

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Microsoft's New Digital Assistant: CoPilot

Microsoft's New Digital Assistant: CoPilot

AI has undoubtably emerged as the standout technology of the year, and it was only a matter of time before Microsoft entered the arena with its own enterprise-ready AI platform. The introduction of Microsoft CoPilot has created a fair amount of confusion and left many questions unanswered. Listed below is an explanation of what CoPilot is and as well as the value you can expect to get out of the new Microsoft AI.

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Google’s Project Green Light Provides a Look at Practical AI Usage

Google’s Project Green Light Provides a Look at Practical AI Usage

While artificial intelligence is frequently hyped up to the point that it seems to be plucked from the realm of science fiction, its true applications are actually much more mundane. However, these applications are often the ones that show the most promise in terms of the value they have to offer society.

For example, let’s consider the work that Google is doing via something called Project Green Light.

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3 Conclusions From Microsoft Study About AI and the Workplace

3 Conclusions From Microsoft Study About AI and the Workplace

With the release of the 2023 edition of their annual Work Trend Index report, dedicated to exploring the topic of Will AI Fix Work?, Microsoft took a deep dive into the impact that artificial intelligence will have on the workplace in the future. This report ultimately resulted in three major conclusions, which we felt we should help amplify and contextualize.

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Some Experts Concerned about AI Development

Some Experts Concerned about AI Development

It seems that you can’t turn your head these days without seeing artificial intelligence being incorporated into some software or platform. That being said, many leaders in the technology space have conveyed their concerns about the “profound risks to society and humanity” that AI poses, outlined in an open letter. 

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How Automation is Changing Modern HR

How Automation is Changing Modern HR

Human resources are a part of almost any company; there are a lot of Is to dot and Ts to cross in any business. Some HR departments are better than others, but generally the HR department deals with most of the elements of the business that deal with, you guessed it, the human resources (employees). The modern HR landscape is changing as businesses are now looking to automation to handle much of the heavy lifting. 

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