It’s no secret that Google Chrome is one of the most utilized web browsers in the world, if not the most utilized. Still, most people don’t use the browser to its full potential, and they leave so many wasted opportunities to save time and resources on the table. Listed below are some tips, but also a couple of features that perhaps you didn’t know existed for Google Chrome so you can continue to get more value out of it as a business and productivity tool.
Macro Systems Blog
With technology being a vital part of our lives and society, cyberthreats continue to evolve and pose significant risks. One such threat that is on the rise is browser hijacking attacks. Listed below are the dangers of these attacks, including the techniques employed by hackers, and how small and medium-sized businesses can protect themselves.
There is a lot of misinformation and misperceptions related to network security out there, especially concerning small businesses. In particular, browser security is one aspect where many individuals’ knowledge simply falls flat, and they buy into myths that put their data at risk. Listed below is an attempt clear up some of these misconceptions so you can go about your day in a more secure way.
One of the reasons that information technology keeps evolving is for the sake of the user and their convenience using it. That being said, if this convenience comes at the sacrifice of your business’ cybersecurity, it just isn’t worth it. This is the crux of why we always recommend that any company seeking to use password management should invest in a reputable password management software, rather than the built-in capabilities of modern browsers.
How often have you been searching the web on your phone, only to find something that would be legitimately helpful for your work so you wanted to be able to access it from your workstation? There’s actually a very easy way to make this happen, thanks to the multi-platform nature of the Google Chrome browser.
The Internet browser is certainly one of the most-utilized applications in this day of cloud-hosted resources and online content… but for all that use, is it also one of the most-secured applications? In some ways, yes… but there’s always a few extra steps that can help you enhance your protections.
Most accounts these days require a password and, as such, the average user has countless of these codes that need to be kept secure. Some web browsers have built-in password management tools to help make them more user-friendly, but with so much convenience involved, one has to ask whether or not these built-in management tools are as secure as they should be.
It’s astonishing how much trust people have in Internet-based companies; they not only believe that these companies will fulfill their expectations, but that they will protect their most valuable and sensitive information. Listed below is a look at some of the data collection practices that companies use and what they do with that data.
Navigation is vital for any computing system, especially the Internet, where there are countless destinations. The Internet consists of various web pages, images, videos, and many other valuable bits of content that are all connected by a web of links. These links are the cornerstone of the Internet, and we’ll explain the details of how they work below.
In the ancient fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, the titular characters decided to leave a trail of breadcrumbs behind them so they could find their way back home. While this strategy didn’t work out as planned for the siblings, the same concept is utilized in computing today. We even refer to it as breadcrumb navigation in honor of the German fairy tale.
When you are browsing the internet, do you know if you are secure? Most of the time your browser will let you know when a site is secure or not. This is especially critical if you are putting in sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. Google Chrome is upgrading it’s game to keep users safe.
Encryption has become a very important part of maintaining an acceptable standard of security while browsing the web and storing data. Large enterprises and organizations have been using encryption for a long time, and even the average consumer uses encryption each and every time an online purchase is made. Did you know that the protection afforded users by encryption is made possible thanks to security certificates?
With Google Chrome’s Incognito mode, you can privately browse the web, but you may have noticed that Incognito mode also disables your extensions by default. This isn’t a big deal, but it can be an annoyance that you’d prefer not to deal with. Thankfully, there’s a good way to make sure that specific extensions stay enabled, even in Incognito mode.
The Internet browser is one of the most used applications for most users on their computer or mobile device. With the flood of aggressive problems, it is very helpful to realize which Internet browser is the best for keeping your data, identity, and network safe. Let's look at the five most popular Internet browsers found on desktop and laptop computers and decide which are the most reliable.