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Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How to Get Santa and His Elves their Letters via Email

How to Get Santa and His Elves their Letters via Email

While we all know how much magic the workshops up at the North Pole depend on to produce presents for the good children of the world, we have it on good authority that they also depend heavily on technology. For example, there are a lot of letters that need to be sorted and read before Santa’s big ride. Let’s read up on what our partners up north frequently deal with in their critical operations.

Like he so often did around this time of year, Snowy the Elf sighed deeply as he looked at the information on his monitor. Once again, there was a serious technology problem interfering with processes up here at the North Pole, which meant it was up to him and his team to get things back in proper working order and—by extension—save the big day.


Feeling the start of what he knew from experience would be a terrible headache, Snowy spun to face his co-manager and strategize. Hearing him turn his chair behind her, Kelly spun around to meet him, hands wrapped tightly around her always-present mug of hot cocoa.

“What’s going on, Snowy?”

Snowy looked at his co-manager, who he had insisted join him in his shift from Toy Assembly as he took up the role of manager of the Pole’s IT department. Where to begin describing the latest last-minute catastrophe?

“Okay, so you know how there have been mail strikes going on amongst the humans?” Snowy figured that some context might be helpful in this case.

“Sure.” Kelly sipped from her mug, the steam fogging her glasses as always.

Snowy nodded. “Okay, good. As it turns out, even mail to Santa isn’t immune to the impacts of these strikes, so many parents are having their kids send their lists to the big man via email.”

“Oh, that’s nice,” Kelly said between sips of cocoa. “That’s cool of those parents, making sure their children can still get in touch with the big man.”

“See, normally, I’d agree,” said Snowy, “but there’s another problem. The big man still uses an ancient email client, I.C.Email, so it’s had difficulty processing all the incoming messages. This makes it so much harder to read all the letters and assign a gift project to each kid with a special request.”

Kelly paused, letting her mug drop ever so slightly from her lips. “And with the influx of lists coming in through email…”

Snowy nodded. “It’s thrown a wrench into the whole system.”

The two elves sat silently as the comprehension of what this would mean set in. After a few moments, Kelly frowned, drained her festive mug of its remaining cocoa, and looked Snowy in the eyes.

“So, you’re saying that we need to update the big man’s email client and hope that a little holiday magic will be enough to preserve and migrate all the data we need.”

Snowy suddenly sat straighter in his ergonomic chair. “Yes, that’s exactly what I’m saying.”

“Okay then, we have a plan. I’ll loop Hailey Daye in so she’s ready to cast a few spells when the time comes. So… updating the big man’s email. Where do we get started?”

“Let’s reach out to Macro Systems. Working with them has saved our nutcrackers more than once, right?”

“Sure has. I’ll see what they recommend, but if I remember, they recommended migrating to a cloud-based system during our last meeting. You know, it’s been really helpful to lean on them for extra help when we need it,” Kelly leaned back, much more relaxed with an actionable plan to execute. She reached for her mug again before remembering she had drained it moments before. She picked up her empty cup, shaking it at her co-manager to inquire if he also wanted a refill.

Snowy nodded appreciatively, holding out his mug. Kelly took it and brought it over to the cocoa bar that had been wisely installed nearby. As she did so, Snowy picked up the phone and dialed 703-359-9211, starting a conversation with the professionals on the other end and feeling his headache melt away.

The elves quickly got the team at Macro Systems to migrate the big man and the whole of the North Pole’s organization to a more capable email solution. As a result, every department benefitted—from Coal Acquisition to Ribbons and Bows to Toy Assembly—with plenty of opportunities to enjoy these benefits as they prepared for the big man’s big ride.

We’re proud that we can work with so many great businesses and organizations (including a very special one at the North Pole), and we’d love to work with you as well. Call us at 703-359-9211 to learn more about how we can help you succeed through better-maintained technology! Have a very happy holiday season from all of us at Macro Systems!

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