Sherlock Holmes is one of the most famous detectives in fiction, but without his dear Dr. Watson, he would have been stumped on occasion. There’s a good reason why IBM named its super-intelligent computer, Watson, after the famous character. True to its namesake, Watson is now being used to safeguard 40 organizations from cyber security threats.
Macro Systems Blog
When it feels like everybody is out to get you, there's only one way to survive: Trust nobody. You may not have too many physical enemies ready to jump you, but there's an army of hackers wanting to breach your company's database. One of the securest ways to keep your company's information safe is to implement a "zero trust" network security model.
Everything changes in due time. Computers grow less secure, malware grows more sophisticated, and hackers' methods change. According to Processor magazine, 80 to 90 percent of attacks are targeted at devices rather than networks and servers. Just like the weakest link in a fence, all it takes is one weak point for a hacker to take down your entire network.
"Heigh-ho, heigh-ho. It's off to work we go!" Do you know the secret to why Dwarves are so good at mining? It's because they don't have an Internet connection in the caves to distract them from digging and singing. If you're looking to turn your staff into a loyal Dwarf-like workforce, then you will want to take advantage of content filtering.
The topic of online pornography can be rather uncomfortable to discuss, but it’s an issue that business owners need to be aware of; especially considering that 70 percent of all online porn access happens during business hours! Whoa. This statistic has some naughty implications for what your employees may be doing on company time.
Network security entails a ton of different procedures, and it can be easy to lose track of what you’ve already implemented, and what still needs to be done. Instead of worrying about keeping your business’s confidential data safe, know with certainty that it’s as secure as possible by following our security checklist.