There are times when you have computer issues and you might hesitate to call in the big guns to resolve the problems. Alas, the reality is that many businesses are under the impression that calling experts to handle their computer problems will leave them in a difficult position financially. Macro Systems is here to make sure that doesn’t happen! Listed below are three common computer repair problems that you may be able to solve in a simple and easy way.
Macro Systems Blog
About 10 years ago, when managed IT services were just beginning to gain traction, one of the critical selling points was that break/fix was expensive; not only was the machine you needed fixed broken, your business had to eat the cost of downtime. Now that many businesses have benefited from the proactive approach to IT management, and managed IT services are a big part of business for a lot of companies, one question is left unanswered: What happens when technology breaks under a managed IT services agreement?
When people talk about "phoning it in," they usually refer to purposely doing subpar work at their job. However, when a computer breaks and someone "phones it in," they're referring to calling remote IT support, which has a completely different connotation because remote IT service is service that's of the highest quality!
The value of professional services is that you can contract someone a reasonable fee to do something that you don't have the time or skill to achieve on your own. If you work in the service industry, this is your business model. Outsourcing the management of your IT to Macro Systems is a classic example of a professional service that can save you money.
When experiencing a computer problem, what is the first thing you do to troubleshoot it? If you are an experienced PC user, then you will try turning your machine on and off again. Your computer's restart button can feel like a magic wand that takes care of any issue, but do you know how this fix-it wizardry works?