If your company has at least a couple of employees who spend part of their workday in a different location, are you doing all you can to help them be as productive as possible? While remote work is beneficial in so many circumstances, there are a lot of caveats to it that must be considered. Listed below is how you can mitigate risk and keep remote work from becoming a liability for your organization.
Macro Systems Blog
A well-structured framework is essential for establishing effective, consistent policies and strategies. This applies to many areas, including network security. Listed below is a look into the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) cybersecurity framework, which outlines steps to help safeguard your business.
Video conferencing has become a mandatory tool for businesses, especially after the rise of remote work due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It used to feel like something from science fiction, but now it's a key part of how we work together. Video meetings are not only more reliable and easy to use, but they've also become a lot more accessible, helping people connect no matter where they are. Listed below is a look at some of the ways video conferencing has improved:
“Toxic” is a buzzword that is often used these days, but when it is used to describe a business’ work environment, it needs to be treated with deadly seriousness.
If a workplace is a place people don’t like to be, many drawbacks will ultimately impact operations. Thus, it is to your advantage to keep your business as positive a workplace as possible.
Listed below: how to tell if your organization has a toxic workplace and, if so, how to resolve it.
The concept of a four-day workweek has started to gain significant traction among businesses of all sizes. However, there's a subtle distinction between the traditional four-day workweek and the compressed workweek. Listed below is an examination of the compressed workweek and what it means for employees.
Remote work has been incredibly useful over the past few years despite many employers having various concerns about its implementation. While these concerns vary, one prevalent one is how remote operations impact cybersecurity.
If you’re utilizing remote operations to any degree and aren’t concerned about cybersecurity, you must adjust this mindset and correct your approach.
It should come as no surprise that a modern business’ information technology and security precautions are frequently tied closely together—and wisely so. Not only can today’s technology greatly augment the security a business can defend itself with, but advanced security is needed to protect the critical IT that modern businesses rely on to function.
This makes it imperative that these two aspects of your business work together, so let’s go over some ways to ensure they can do so optimally.
Generating and capitalizing on digital leads is imperative for business success. A well-thought-out strategy to attract leads via websites, emails, and social media can significantly enhance a company's ability to create a good customer experience and grow its business. This month, we’ll examine this element of a business and give you a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of your digital marketing efforts.
Every business deals with operational problems in one way or another. There are dozens of situations that can cause downtime, and having a comprehensive data backup plan can alleviate many of them. This month’s newsletter discusses business continuity and how data backup is an imperative piece of that process.
There has been a lot of talk about ways how to get more productivity from your staff. One idea floated a few years ago was reducing the number of days people work to four. Now, if you think, “How does working one less day improve worker productivity?” you aren’t alone. Listed below is a look at the benefits of a four-day workweek.