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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Are There Hackers Listening to You?

b2ap3_thumbnail_digital_spying_400.jpgTech savvy individuals and businesses alike have moved away from traditional Internet browsers such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari to Google's Chrome browser. After all, many people enjoy having a simplistic, yet powerful web browser that easily integrates it's Google Docs tools and Gmail email service. However, users may want to think twice about using the browser now that a new YouTube video has surfaced entitled "Chrome Bug Lets Sites Listen to Your Conversations." In the video, user Tal Ater walks through a very dangerous exploit that allows anyone to access your microphone through Google's voice recognition software embedded in Chrome.

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When Basic Email Security is not Enough

b2ap3_thumbnail_lock_down_your_email_security_400.jpgYou may think that the standard security policies that come with your email account can protect you from hackers. It's an easy mistake to make, but the truth of the matter is that, if a hacker really wants access to an account, then they will employ every tactic possible to get it, which can make standard password security measures woefully inadequate.

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Get Your Business Started with Facebook

b2ap3_thumbnail_facebook_for_business_400.jpgSocial media isn't just some fad used by teenagers and twenty-somethings. It's not only a place to share pictures of your favorite dish, your status about your spouse, or where you can get the best deal on the latest war video game. Social media is a virtual powerhouse in the business world as well, and as it continues to grow, you must find a way to harness its potential and utilize it to give your organization an advantage. Where should you begin on your journey to social media proficiency? The answer is easy: Facebook.

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Search Anonymously with Duck Duck Go!

b2ap3_thumbnail_duck_duck_go_400.jpgWith the NSA and Edward Snowden making headlines around the world, it's enough to make any user of the Internet think twice about online security and wonder if they are being monitored or not. Google Search has been a popular hub for third party monitoring, which makes Internet users ask, "Is there a more secure search engine available?" There is with DuckDuckGo.

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Smart Phones Are Now Smart Home Devices

b2ap3_thumbnail_smart_home_advancing_400.jpgTechnological and smart device leviathan, Samsung, has announced its plan to turn homes into smart hubs with its Android mobile devices controlling the action. Samsung is already at the forefront of the smartphone and smart TV market, but it also manufactures other products such as refrigerators, washing machines, and air conditioners. Now it has created a way for all of them to speak to one another.

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How to Be an Efficient Speller with Microsoft Word

b2ap3_thumbnail_Microsoft_Word_2010_400.jpgRemember back in elementary school when you memorized lists of words and studied hard to become the top speller in your class? Thanks to spellchecking technology from word processing applications like Microsoft Word, memorizing spelling words is about as worthless as cursive handwriting. Here's how you can use Word's spellchecker more efficiently.

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LiFi Lights the Way to Fast Wireless Networking

b2ap3_thumbnail_lifi_light_400.jpgIn a digital age where nothing seems to be private or secure, no matter what steps you take, comes hope with a technology called LiFi. What is LiFi? Put simply, it's a new way for digital information to be passed through spectrums of visible light. It's very fast, at 10 gigabytes per second; currently more than 250 times faster than the fastest broadband connection!

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3 Small Cities that Utilize Cloud Computing in a Big Way

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloud_400.jpg"The Cloud" may mean very different things to different people, and has certainly been used in a number of ways that obscure its actual definition. The cloud a place to store and access files, run software, automatically back up files, virtualize data, and much more. Globally, smaller cities are becoming cloud cities using all of these capabilities to save money and improve their infrastructure and services.

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6 Ways to Step it Up While Spending Down

b2ap3_thumbnail_save_money_with_technology_400.jpgExpenses from running a business can add up quickly. We want to help by sharing six easy things you can do that will save you money and improve your workplace. Even though these two goals may seem diametrically opposed, we have found that they can work together in a synchronized harmony!

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3 Ways to Start Marketing Your Company to Mobile Users

b2ap3_thumbnail_mobile_marketing_your_business_400.jpgYou may have realized that marketing and advertising tactics are shifting toward reaching mobile leads. Even superstar companies like Google and Facebook are delegating more marketing dollars to their mobile marketing budgets after a discovery that nearly one-fifth of Google's revenue comes from mobile searching. Here are three ways your company can start up your mobile marketing initiative.

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5 Tips to Upgrade from Windows XP

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_400.jpgIf you haven't done it already, then on the very top of your 2014 to-do list should be upgrading from Windows XP. Microsoft has scheduled to end support for its popular decade-old OS on April 8, 2014, which is only a few short months away. Here are five tips that will help you with upgrading from Windows XP.

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How to Optimize Your Twitter Background

b2ap3_thumbnail_custom_twitter_background_400.jpgDue to Twitter's popularity, it can be difficult to establish a significant presence on the social media giant. To succeed, you have to grab a user's attention immediately when they visit your page. Having an dynamic background image will help improve your chances of landing a new Twitter follower. Here's how you do it!

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Be Wary of Hackers’ Psychological Attacks!

b2ap3_thumbnail_avoif_phishing_attacks_400.jpgThere's a computer security threat so menacing that not even the best security technology can stop it. It's called psychology, and it's used with email phishing scams to trick users into overriding their security solution. The only way to stop this threat is with common sense, and unfortunately, there's no app for that.

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How to Prevent Windows from Freezing

b2ap3_thumbnail_avoid_freezing_windows_400.jpgThe freeze of winter is hard on everyone and everything, especially windows. Seeing that on Tuesday, 90% of the US was literally frozen due to what meteorologists are calling a "polar vortex," we thought this would be the perfect time to talk about how to prevent your Windows from freezing with managed IT services!

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5 Smart Glass Options Beyond Google Glass

b2ap3_thumbnail_computer_glasses_400.jpgThe final quarter of 2013 saw an immense amount of hype around the latest trend of wearable technology. In 2014, it's looking like the hype will pay off as more wearable technology products are hitting the shelves and becoming available to consumers.

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Consumer Data Collection is Growing

b2ap3_thumbnail_getit400.jpgWith the holiday shopping season winding down, it's the busiest time of the year for data collecting companies that compile information on the purchases you make. Are you aware of the extent that your purchases are being tracked? Knowing about data collection may make you want to buy all of your presents with cash.

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Bots Outnumber Humans for Web Traffic

b2ap3_thumbnail_webbot400.jpgIt has finally happened, the bots have taken over. While robots have yet to enslave humanity, bots have taken over the Internet, accounting for 62% of all web traffic. Is the bot takeover something you should be concerned about?

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Another Year, Another Smartphone

b2ap3_thumbnail_ayas400.jpg2013 might go down in history as the bridge year between high-end handheld electronics and wearable gadgets that offer enhanced flexibility and access, but for now, the best electronics for communication, collaboration, and convenience are the handheld computers that we've learned to lean on. Below are some of the top smartphone options on the market.

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There’s a Security Flaw!

b2ap3_thumbnail_santa400.jpgA Song In the tune of "Here Comes Santa Claus"

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Pogue’s Top 10 Time-Saving Tech Tips

b2ap3_thumbnail_ted400.jpgNew York Times tech column writer, David Pogue, recently presented a TED talk, in which he suggested his top ten time-saving technology tips. Each of David's tips were incredibly simple, but understated and carry the potential to save tech users time and effort. Do you know about these time-saving tips?

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