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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Microsoft to Discontinue Support for Old Internet Explorer Versions

b2ap3_thumbnail_internet_explorer_400.jpgIn an attempt to push users toward the most recent installment of Internet Explorer (IE 11), Microsoft has announced that, as of January 2016, all older versions of Internet Explorer will reach their end-of-support date. This means discontinued patching and security update support, putting all who refuse the upgrade at risk.

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5 Gmail and Outlook Tricks to Cut Corners On Your Email Time

b2ap3_thumbnail_email_tricks_400.jpgWe all know how annoying email can be at times. Your inbox is constantly being filled with new messages, and before you know it, you have no idea what you've responded to or what needs to be responded to. To make matters worse, the average office worker spends roughly two hours staring at their email inbox and responding to messages. Not only is this counterproductive, but is also a massive time-wasting practice.

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DecryptCryptoLocker Provides Fix for Nasty Ransomware

b2ap3_thumbnail_decryptolocker_400.jpgA few months ago, we mentioned that a ransomware called CryptoLocker was spreading at a dangerous rate due to the GameOver Zeus malware. The ransomware would lock down files on victims' computers until a fee was paid, but not anymore. Now, with the help of FireEye and Fox-IT, a solution has been created called DecryptCryptoLocker.

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Is it Time for the PC to Make a Comeback?

b2ap3_thumbnail_pc_sales_are_rebounding_400.jpgOver the past few years, we've seen a revolution in the computer market as mobile device sales skyrocketed and PC sales slumped. If this trend were to continue for just a few more years, PCs would have possibly become extinct. However, as is the case with any trend, it appears things in the computer world may be normalizing.

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ALERT: Back Off! New Point-of-Sale Malware Threatens Businesses

b2ap3_thumbnail_point_of_sale_malware_400.jpgIf your business purchases hardware or other supplies from a retailer, or if you are your own point-of-sale, your company might be targeted by a new type of Point-of-Sale malware known as Backoff. The malware is capable of stealing credit card information from unsuspecting victims, and should be a cause for concern for those unprepared to fight against it.

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New Google X Initiative Studies the Molecular and Genetic Structure of the Human Body

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_logo_400.jpgGoogle's not just good for scouring the Internet for cat videos and funny memes. Google X, with a new project called Baseline, is now looking to study the makeup of the human body, which they are hoping will be able to prevent disease and foster a more healthy existence for individuals around the world.

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Beware of Government-Grade Malware - Especially from Hackers

b2ap3_thumbnail_government_grade_malware_400.jpgThanks to Edward Snowden's revelations concerning the National Security Agency's (NSA) questionable online practices, we now know that there are ways that we can be watched by others and not even know about it. But what's really scary is that malware exists that can accomplish this same goal.

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Not So Fast: Time Warner Declines 21st Century Fox’s Takeover Bid

b2ap3_thumbnail_not_so_fast_400.jpgWe recently covered net neutrality and all of the threats that could compromise our right to indiscriminate Internet service, but a new development concerning 21st Century Fox and Time Warner might be one of the most scary situations yet. In a $80 billion bid, 21st Century Fox attempted a takeover of the media supergiant.

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Internet Users in 1993 Had Too Much Faith in Humanity [VIDEO]

b2ap3_thumbnail_look_what_is_possible_400.jpgEvery new technology comes with optimism that it will better the future. Take for example gunpowder. Invented in the Ninth Century, Chinese alchemists created it while searching for an elixir of immortality. Twenty years ago, the early adopters of the Internet had the same optimism about how this new tech would make the world a nicer place.

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Old Mobile Devices Might Be Hurting Your Business’s Security

b2ap3_thumbnail_old_tech_security_risk_400.jpgOne of the greatest things about today's technology is that it has grown more mobile, and some employees like to bring their own devices from home to use for their workplace. This is called BYOD, and while it is useful sometimes, it might be putting your business at risk.

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Google Strengthens Zero-Day Exploit Research

b2ap3_thumbnail_google_research_400.jpgWith all of the zero-day exploits popping up lately, such as the GameOver Zeus malware and Heartbleed bug a few months ago, it only makes sense to step up research on how and why it occurs. Google is doing just that with its new research program, rightfully dubbed Project Zero.

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Alert: Google and Yahoo Doppelgangers Threaten the Internet

b2ap3_thumbnail_doppleganger_scam_400.jpgDon't trust Google and Yahoo just yet - they might be fake! On July 10th, 2014, Microsoft issued a warning concerning the nature of identical SSL certificates and domains of some popular sites that might allow malicious copycat sites to emerge. As of now, the cause is unknown, but we know that this could be dangerous if you're not prepared to deal with it.

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Forget 3D Movies - 3D Printing is the New Thing

b2ap3_thumbnail_3d_printing_technology_400.jpg3D Printing is something that has been talked about for years, but has finally become a reality. No longer do we have to deal with flat, lifeless images printed out of ink-wasting printers and machines - but, do we know what kind of impact this new innovation will have on several industries around the world?

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Windows 7 End of Mainstream Support Looms on the Horizon

b2ap3_thumbnail_windows_7_support_400.jpgIf you have yet to upgrade away from Windows XP for some reason, you might want to think twice about upgrading to Windows 7. Microsoft has cautioned users about the end of mainstream support for several of its products within the next six months, and the popular operating system is one of them.

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What's a Hard Drive Crash and How Can I Prevent It?

b2ap3_thumbnail_hard_drive_basics_400.jpgYou've heard about how bad a computer crash can be. You may have even experienced a crash yourself, but are you familiar with the technical reason behind a crash? A crash happens when the tiny pieces of a hard disk drive stop working by crashing into each other at very high speeds. When this happens, the data on your computer is lost.

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3 Tips to Increase Focus and Improve Productivity!

b2ap3_thumbnail_use_these_productivity_tips_400.jpgMore studies are proving that multitasking is terrible for productivity. This is due to the fact that the brain just isn't capable of doing two things at once, or at least very well. Instead, behavioral scientist are saying that focusing on a single task is the key to productivity. Here are three tips to help you focus at work!

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How to Recognize a Champion IT Professional

b2ap3_thumbnail_technology_the_man_400.jpgWhen your business is in need of IT assistance, you want to make sure that you are getting the best of the best. However, the best course of action isn't to just look at someone's qualifications. You also want to look at their personality and other characteristics which can tell you a lot about who you are hiring.

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Amazon is Playing With Fire

b2ap3_thumbnail_amazon_fire_phone_400.jpgMobile computing is literally everywhere; and, yes, that's the point of the technology. The mobile computing boom has presented major retailers with the opportunity to begin offering smartphones and tablets. The world's largest online retailer, Amazon, is the next company to launch a mobile device platform, by offering their new "Fire" smartphone, CEO Jeff Bezos announced on June 18th.

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Early Mornings Can Help Your Business!

b2ap3_thumbnail_early_bird_400.jpgEverything seems to be going your way for once. The office is really coming together to make that big business deal you've been trying so hard to get for months. You shake the CEO's hand and seal the deal. You stroll out of the office with a spring in your step and get in the taxi to head home for the night. But the cab driver is playing loud music - so loud that it just sounds like screeching in your ear. And then you wake up, your alarm clock ringing at max volume. It's 7:00am, and it's time to go back to the office that feels like a prison, and your employees the inmates.

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Cooler Drives Won’t Prevail

b2ap3_thumbnail_cold_hard_drives_400.jpgEverybody knows operating a computer under cooler temperatures increases its performance. This is why some server closets feel like a walk-in refrigerator. One thing about computers that you may not have known is whether or not running a PC at cooler temperatures extends its life. Logically, one would assume yes, however, the research says otherwise.

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