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Macro Systems Blog

Macro Systems has been serving the Metro Washington, DC area since 1997, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

3 Free Tools You can Use to Optimize Your PC

b2ap3_thumbnail_update400.jpgWith computers that have seen a lot of use, one of the biggest reasons a machine underperforms is because the hard drive is full of old files and programs. Instead of manually sifting through every file and deleting something you are unsure about, you can automate the process with the help of these three free apps!

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3 Free and Essential Mobile Apps for Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_appz400.jpgThere are currently over 900,000 mobile apps available for download. There are apps available for virtually any everyday function; entertainment, education, news, weather, health, and the list goes on. Your mobile device, armed with the right apps, can be your greatest productivity tools. Here are three essential mobile apps that can enhance your business productivity.

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Use the 80/20 Rule to Save on Data Backup Costs

b2ap3_thumbnail_8020-400.jpgBacking up your company's data is critical when it comes to keeping operations going after a disaster. Data backup is an important operating expense that you can't afford to skip out on, but if you're looking to cut back on the cost of your data backup service, then you should consider the 80/20 Rule.

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Take Advantage of the Cloud to Improve Team Collaboration

b2ap3_thumbnail_cloudcol400.jpgBefore the cloud, team collaboration looked like users attaching their projects to e-mails that explained what edits needed to be made. The cloud has improved office workflow that boosts business productivity. No longer are users limited so that only one person can edit an open file at a time.

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Power Up with the TYLT Energi+ Backpack

b2ap3_thumbnail_backpack400.jpgThe latest technology trend is wearable gadgets. Devices like smart watches and Google Glass are worn for easy transportation, but most wearable tech users will not use their smart watch as their main device; instead it will complement their laptop, tablet, smartphone, and other non-wearable technology. The TYLT Energi+ backpack is a solution that lets you wear all of your devices.

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Break Free from Your Desk with Desktop Virtualization

b2ap3_thumbnail_virt400.jpgHave you ever sat at your desk on a gorgeous day, looked out the window and thought to yourself, "What would it take to escape the office and do my work outside?" With an IT process called Desktop Virtualization, you can break free from your desk and accomplish your work outside while enjoying the fresh air.

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How Do You Store Your Priceless Pictures?

b2ap3_thumbnail_cheese400.jpgIf your house was on fire and you only had one trip to rush in and rescue one item, what would it be? Most family-minded individuals would choose their photo album because it's irreplaceable. Insurance money can replace most household and personal items, but not photos. It's important to have a backup plan to keep your prized pictures safe from disasters.

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MOOOOVE! IT Support Lessons from Nick Burns

b2ap3_thumbnail_burns400.jpgIT support is not without its stereotypes. These stereotypes can make for some great humor, as seen in Jimmy Fallon's Saturday Night Live character, Nick Burns, Your Company's Computer Guy. Behind every Nick Burns stereotype is a truth about poor IT service. Let's take a look at Nick to show you how we are nothing like him.

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The Environmental Impact of Your Mobile Device

b2ap3_thumbnail_nrg400.jpgWhat's the difference between an iPhone and a refrigerator? You can probably list off a dozen without even trying because they are both designed for two very different purposes, that is, until Apple makes an app to cool your food. Although, there is one thing they both have in common: Energy consumption.

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When Negative Customer Feedback Can Help Your Business

b2ap3_thumbnail_troll400.jpgAs a business owner, your business is your baby. Therefore, it's easy to take it personally when a customer says something negative about your company. It feels kind of like a stranger calling your newborn baby ugly. Don't overreact to negative opinions by overhauling your business model; you can actually use negative customer feedback to your advantage.

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When Outsourcing is a Good Thing

b2ap3_thumbnail_outsource400.jpgOutsourcing jobs is never a safe topic to bring up in a group discussion. If you mention "outsourcing," be prepared to hear nationalistic rhetoric followed by, "They took our jobs!" When outsourcing is done right, it can save your business money, and when you outsource IT services with us, you can rest easy knowing where the work is going.

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4 Tips to Avoid Network Cable Spaghetti

b2ap3_thumbnail_cables400.jpgThere's good spaghetti, and then there's bad spaghetti. Everybody loves a big plate of spaghetti, and everybody hates when network wiring becomes so tangled that it looks like spaghetti. Preventing your network from being confused with spaghetti takes careful planning and maintenance. Here are four cabling best practices that will prevent bad spaghetti.

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Tip: Use YouTube HTML5 to Save CPU Resources

b2ap3_thumbnail_webvid400.jpgAnybody who is a master of multitasking is a fan of YouTube. There's so much useful and entertaining content on YouTube that it's perfect for streaming media in the background while working on a project. Unfortunately, YouTube is a large application that eats up precious CPU resources and may slow down your computer.

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What’s New with PowerPoint 2013 Presenter View?

b2ap3_thumbnail_pp400.jpgMicrosoft PowerPoint 2013 Presenter View has new improvements designed to enhance your presentation. Presenter View is a helpful feature that allows the presenter to see a separate screen that's different from what the audience sees. The presenter's screen is used to display notes, previews, and other helpful tools. Here's how you can take full advantage of this PowerPoint feature.

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How to Anonymously Browse the Internet

b2ap3_thumbnail_whodat400.jpgSome places on the Internet are only suitable for secret browsing. Maybe you're shopping for a present and don't want your links to show in your browsing history, or maybe you don't want the customized ads to reflect a private interest. Whatever your reason is for wanting to anonymously browse the web, here's how you do it.

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Trade in Your Cash Register for a Tablet

b2ap3_thumbnail_newregister400.jpgIf you're in retail, then you know the satisfaction of the loud "ka-ching" sound your cash register makes at the end of a transaction. It's a great sound, which is why you mimic it after draining a three-pointer in basketball. Although, with the way technology is trending, the famous "ka-ching" noise may soon be forgotten.

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How Hosted VoIP Can Save the Day!

b2ap3_thumbnail_voip400.jpgWhen a major storm slams into your business and knocks out power, who are you going to call for help? If your communication system is hosted on your in-house IT infrastructure, then you won't be able to call anybody because your phones will be down. This also means your customers won't be able to call you for help.

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Replace Your Soon-to-Be Drafty Windows

b2ap3_thumbnail_outwithxp400.jpgHow new are the windows in your home? Do you have problems when you're trying to open them, such as they don't stay up or simply won't budge? How about when you walk by them, do you feel a draft because their seals are shot? When this happens, what's the first thing you think? More than likely it's "I need to replace them ASAP". If you think this way when it comes to your home, then why not the same when it comes to your business?

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Let's Talk Tablets

b2ap3 thumbnail tablet 20120727-153817 1Tablets are definitely becoming a staple in the consumer electronics world. For the longest time, the tablet PC was an expensive, clunky device that just didn't wow consumers. Some businesses had adopted tablets back in the day, but they were difficult to use, hard to support, and they simply didn't perform for the price tag. However, like many consumer electronics, Apple reinvigorated the tablet market with the original iPad, and now it would seem tablets are here to stay. The question is, are they right for businesses?

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How Safe is Your Email?


thumb how-safe-emailEmail is (and has been) a prime method of communication for businesses of all sizes. With email comes a whole slew of issues that are essentially synonymous with the technology; spam, information overload, phishing, and information privacy. Even Metro Washington, DC small businesses that only do business locally are at risk of these issues. Personal email accounts are equally at risk. Employing proper precautions and practices whenever communicating via email is very important to prevent the risk of security compromises, monetary loss, and even legality issues.

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