Macro Systems Blog
One way companies attempt to save money is via automating certain processes and tasks that have traditionally been time-consuming or monotonous for their workforce. When implemented appropriately, automation can cut costs, streamline operations, and enhance quality of life for workers. That being said, just because a task can be automated doesn’t necessarily mean that it should be automated. Listed below is a look at the arguments for and against automation in these contexts.
With cloud storage so affordable and accessible, you have to ask yourself if it’s worth investing in it compared to larger-capacity hard disk drives. Which one is more ideal for your organization’s needs? You have options, and it’s imperative to consider them all before committing to a solution. Listed below are the pros and cons of each, specifically focusing on the business model for both.
These days you can’t afford not to have some portion of your business’ budget set aside for cybersecurity. The question is, how much do you need, and what should you be spending it on first? Let’s take a few moments to dig a little deeper into this question and examine a few cybersecurity protections you should establish as your business’ baseline defenses.
It's not unusual for today's businesses to turn more and more often to “green” technologies, partially due to the reduced environmental impacts that come with their use, and partially due to the operational advantages that many of these technologies also bring. Listed below are some of the options that even smaller businesses can embrace that bring these kinds of mutual benefits.
A digital transformation can revolutionize the way a business operates. One of the technologies that make up for an across-the-board transformation is the use of digital storage in lieu of physical paper-based storage of data. Listed below are some considerations that go into going paperless, and how it can be a benefit for your company.
There’s no denying that running a successful business comes with its fair share of costs, and many would argue that some of these costs are anything but fair. As such, it makes sense to try and minimize your operating expenses by any sustainable means. Let’s go over one such cost-saving measure you can implement—Bring Your Own Device policies—and address how to do so without shortchanging your organization's security in the process.
Your business has to promote security whenever it can. In terms of keeping your wireless connections secure, the thought behind it is that if unauthorized people and machines can access your network without protections, they can do whatever they want with the data on the network. This is a significant problem. Listed below are a few things you need to consider to keep your wireless network secure.
Microsoft Excel is an extremely capable spreadsheet creation and management tool, made all the more powerful via the inclusion of many handy shortcuts and features. We wanted to share one for a common enough function that you are sure to find a use for it: quickly adding up the values in a single column.
As the boss, you’re in a position to offload many of your business’ responsibilities to your employees. That’s more or less why you have employees in the first place. That being said, there’s more than one way that you can delegate tasks, depending on your personal style of management and the work style of each of your employees.
Businesses use all kinds of sayings to try to draw in customers. One of the core selling points of managed IT services is that “it pays for itself”. This is more than just marketing. The multiple services that make up managed IT services all help a business save time and money, but when added together, it can really help the bottom line of a business more than most services they can use. In this week’s blog we thought we would go through the core elements of a managed IT services agreement to show how it really does pay for itself.
There is a lot of misinformation and misperceptions related to network security out there, especially concerning small businesses. In particular, browser security is one aspect where many individuals’ knowledge simply falls flat, and they buy into myths that put their data at risk. Listed below is an attempt clear up some of these misconceptions so you can go about your day in a more secure way.
Since the Windows 95 operating system, Microsoft has been separately publishing 15 free utilities to add significant capabilities intended to help a user make some small tweaks and adjustments in a relatively safe way, as compared to what would otherwise be necessary to make these changes. Microsoft PowerToys are still available; what some of them can do and how you should go about getting these tools is listed below.
Television has come a long way since its inception, and modern entertainment is more accessible than it has ever been before. Technology has played a large part in the dissemination of this entertainment, so we thought we’d take a look at how the cloud has contributed to making television the cornerstone of leisure that it is today.
If you are like many businesses, you use a lot of services from other companies to try and get all the business computing you need, without having to buy new servers and pay company IT administrators to look after them. This process is understandable, but are you really saving money by doing it? Listed below is a look at the myriad of services that businesses use and if it is, as advertised, saving them money.
We spend a lot of time working with the technology that businesses depend on, including the laptop workstations utilized by just about everyone in many modern organizations. As such, listed below are some of our insights so that you know what qualities you should look for when you’re ready to acquire some additional devices for your organization.