How many times have you been irritated about having to reach behind your desk in order to get to the outlet needed to plug your phone into? That irritation could vanish with near-field induction charging, more commonly known as wireless charging. Below we'll look at what modern wireless charging is capable of, as well as what type of hurdles can be avoided with its use.
Macro Systems Blog
Your organization's technology solutions may be a major point of contention for your bottom line, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t create value with it. One of the best ways you can create value for your companies' IT is by implementing a better way of managing it. Macro Systems will walk you through what it means to shift from break-fix IT to managed IT services, as well as what questions you should ask to expedite the process.
Data backup is one of the most imperative aspects of maintaining a business, but it’s not something that some businesses even consider until it’s too late to reverse the damage done. In any case, data backup is a vital part of any successful business, but it’s not as simple as implementing a solution and praying it works. Let's go through the proper steps for making sure your business has a successful data backup solution when it’s needed most.
5G will eventually arrive; it’s just a matter of “when” it will arrive. It feels like we’ve been saying that 5G will arrive soon for a while, but the fact remains that it’s not here... Still, the ambiguity surrounding 5G, or the “Fifth Generation” of wireless networking, can get be bit baffling. Below we will help you clear up any confusion you may have about 5G so you can be aware of what this technology might hold.
The majority of Internet providers will ask you to rent your modem from them; what they fail to mention is that you usually have the option to buy your own modem. What are the benefits of purchasing a modem over renting one, and how can you make the best decision possible while modem shopping? Macro Systems is here to help!
Approximately 16 million students call colleges or universities their home for at least a portion of the calendar year. They are educated by another 1.5 million or so faculty, staff, and other employees. Most of these institutions of higher education comprehend the challenges presented by maintaining networks, particularly the ones that students connect countless devices to. With all this in mind, can a college campus’ network truly be secure, or is it a fool’s errand?
Automation does nothing but help businesses, but can the same be said for the employees that work at these businesses? With more systems depending on some type of artificial intelligence, smart automation could replace up to 25% of the current workforce over the next decade. Let's take a look at the importance of profitability and how AI is likely going to lead in a new era of human existence.
Microsoft Word has been one of the most popular software titles in the history of personal computing. Despite substantial competition, millions of people utilize it every day as their daily word processor. Let's take a look at the history of Microsoft Word, and how it became such a powerful and popular software title.
A friend tells you a story about an app that is really fun or convenient so you download it. After you download and open it up, you receive a pop up asking if you want to allow notifications from that app. You click “yes” just to get to the application and sometime later, you are asleep or working and you get a notification from the company behind the app you downloaded. Then you get another one, and another, and since you’ve click “yes” on 25 little pop-ups, you are getting a constant flow of notifications that you could completely do without. Does this scenario sound familiar? Unfortunately, in our modern world, it probably does.
If you don’t think that your organization is under attack from the Internet, you’re likely to be running a company that will be decimated by a cyberattack. If you want to prevent this scenario from happening, you will have to be prepared to do what you can to keep your business secure. This entails following some strict rules and being intelligent about where and when to implement security checkpoints. Macro Systems looked at what modern cyberattack entails and what a company needs to do in order to keep the threats that are lurking around from having a marked effect on your organization.
Business disasters come in different shapes and sizes, which makes it all the more critical that you take the time to prepare for any that your organization may be vulnerable to. This strategy needs to contain numerous considerations, based on the scenario at hand; there is no shortage of events that can lead to disaster in the business world.
Virtual assistants offer a lot of promise as a productivity tool, so it's not surprising that they would begin to appear in the workplace. Alas, these devices have also gained a reputation as a security risk. Whether or not you’ve considered bringing virtual assistants into your organization, you need to prepare for their presence there.
The healthcare industry has been attempting to transition to digital for over a decade. While many practices have been able to successfully implement electronic health record (EHR) technologies, a full digital transformation has eluded many others. Today, providers are searching for ways to get measurable results with these newer technology implementations. Below is a look at the healthcare industry’s IT as it stands in early 2019.
It’s a familiar scene from many science fiction books, TV shows and movies: someone comes across a locked door. They unlock it, but instead of using a key, a red beam scans their eye to confirm their identity and allow them access. The thing is, this and similar biometric authentication technologies are likely to begin appearing in real-world businesses sooner than later. Let's examine Biometrics.
Messaging applications have constructed out a foothold in businesses, clearly proving their operational advantages. Nonetheless, it isn’t responsible to leverage a solution without ensuring that the solution is secure. There are a couple criteria that you should consider to find out how secure your chosen application really is.